28 min.
ProRes / BluRay
The inhabitants of La Oroya Antigua (Junin, Peru) daily breathe the gases emitted by Doe Run Peru, an American refinery for heavy metals. Children and expectant mothers are the most vulnerable to the effects of leads and other gases including metals.
Best Short Film Audience Award - 5º Sydney Latin American Film Festival. Australia. 2009
Best Documentary Human Rights and Environmental Award - 6º Festival Internacional de Cine Pobre. Mexico. 2008
Best Peruvian Film of the Year 2007 CONACINE / Best Documentary - Human Rights and Environmental Award / Special Prize - National Documentary - IV Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Cusco FENACO. Peru. 2007
Global Indigenous Preparatory Conference for the World Conference on Indigenous People. Norway. 2013
Desde Adentro: Cineforo Latinoamericano sobre Industrias Extractivas. Organizado por Guarango Cine y Video / Amnistía Internacional Perú con el apoyo de Global GreenGrants Fund. Peru. 2011
Ventana Andina Film Festival. USA. 2010
Athens International Film + Video Festival. USA. 2010
III FASAI. Festival Audiovisual de Cine y Video Socio Ambiental. Brazil. 2010
Festival Reflets du Cinéma Ibérique et Latino-Américain. France. 2010
Festival de Cinéma Peruvien - Perou Pacha. Competitive Section. France. 2009
Festival Internacional de Cine Ecológico de Islas Canarias. Spain. 2009
10º Edition du Prix du Film Documentaire Union Latine - Festival de Biarritz. France, 2008
XXIII Festival del Cinema Latino Americano. Muestra Salón España. Italy. 2008
8º Muestra Documentales y Fotografías de América Latina. Spain. 2008
Miguel Curi
Hugo Villa
Orlando Requis
Agustín Mamani
Paula Meza
Washington Mori
Carlos Chirinos
Pedro Barreto
Director: Alvaro Sarmiento
Script and Research: Alvaro Sarmiento
Producers: Alvaro Sarmiento and Raul Chacon
Photography: Alvaro Sarmiento
Edition: Diego Sarmiento
Music: Grupo Amaru & Taklla
Sound: Alvaro Sarmiento
Post Production: Diego Sarmiento